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Fire Compliant Consulting for Fire Door Compliance and Improving Building Product Fire Performance

Independent Fit for Purpose Assessments

Case Study

Review of installed doors to assess if the doors installed are fit for purpose.

Building to a detail

After fire doors had been installed, 14 years ago, complaints had continued in these 5 blocks of apartments as to excessive gaps at the head of the door and in some cases a clear line of sight through the door frame, where a concealed closer had been installed.

The original contractor had insisted it was a failing of manufacture and the manufacturer insisted it was a failing of installation and 14 years on the argument had not been resolved.

We were engaged by the Housing Association to do an independent inspection of the doors in question. Whilst on site it was very evident that the correct intumescent detail that was required with the concealed closer had never been installed.

This, in its own right was a grave oversite and needed immediate rectification. But as to the door to frame gaps being completely misaligned a deeper investigation was required. As such we removed the architrave around the door to reveal that there were no fixings present and the doors, when originally installed had been installed using expanding foam that had no fire performance properties. 

The housing association immediately put a plan of work in place to re-fit the doors and add the required intumescent. The argument continues but the doors are now compliant.